3 (Fashionable)Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

1. Go thrifting

Need to go shopping? Why buy new clothes when you can pick some up at a fraction of the price while supporting poverty alleviation. If you’ve got the time and patience to sift through piles of second-hand clothing, you might just find everything you need at your local thrift store.

If going into a thrift store isn’t your thing, there are tons of online thrift stores out there! Some of our favourites are:

2. Rent a dress instead of buying a new one

Summer is here and now that we can gather in small groups, it is time for outdoor dates, picnics in the park and cottage getaways. If you’re thinking of going by a local store to pick out a dress (which will probably only be worn once) I encourage you to stop and consider renting a dress online.

With online destinations like Your Favourite Dresses*, there are dresses in every size, colour and style. Borrowing instead of buying is beneficial for both the environment and your wallet, and with the Marie Kondo movement, it will spark joy for the occasion you intend to wear it, and for many more people after you return it!

*Check out Your Favourite Dresses, Canada’s 1st luxury online dress rental destination at https://yourfavouritedresses.com/

*Check out Your Favourite Dresses, Canada’s 1st luxury online dress rental destination at https://yourfavouritedresses.com/

3. Host a clothing swap with your girlfriends

Hosting a clothing swap with your friends is a great way to acquire new clothing without spending any money! Also, it’s a way to spend time and bond with each other, reminiscing of all the stories each piece possesses. So pop the bubbly, start clearing out your closet and as they say, one (wo)man’s trash is another (wo)man’s treasure!


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